Discover how to build a multifamily portfolio part time from scratch. You'll learn how one of our protégés, Dave, built a $6MM, 45 unit multifamily portfolio, part time, starting from scratch while he drove a truck full time and it now generates $600,000 in annual … [Read more...]
How to Invest in Apartments Successfully
You're about to discover what most people will never know about how to invest in apartments...successfully. The vast majority of advice on apartment investing is wrong! You'll learn the right way to invest in apartments here: 6 Steps to Regret Most google searches … [Read more...]
Waiter Buys 90-Unit Apartment No Money Down
Discover how a 24 year old waiter from Louisiana purchased his first commercial property, a multi-million dollar 90 unit apartment complex, with no money down! His inspiring true story proves that all it takes is one commercial real estate deal to completely change your … [Read more...]
$0 Down 18-Unit Apartment Investment Deal
You're about to get a detailed inside look at a no money down 18 unit apartment building acquisition by Commercial Property Advisors Proteges Takashi and Rae. Discover how they used their knowledge and experience in commercial real estate to attract a passive investor … [Read more...]
How to Inspect an Apartment Building
Investing in an apartment building is far more complicated than purchasing a single family home rental and therefore requires a much more thorough inspection. Apartment inspections reveal issues far beyond what a normal home inspection would uncover, including many of … [Read more...]